Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Day at sea

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Sept. 28th First day at sea

Today we had room service at 7am – slept in!!! Joan is feeling much better, but the ship is still rocking and rolling a little. She ordered a little light breakfast with coffee and Ruth went up to breakfast after the coffee. We went to a demonstration on making an omelet, and we both learned something new. We attended a talk on the history of Rum. Joan was bored and went to check out the sales of the day. We met up again at another cooking demonstration of Steak Diane and Caesar Salad. By now our mouths were watering but we had to attend a drawing for a piece of jewellery which neither of us won. After lunch we went back to another cooking demonstration about chocolate and raisin bread pudding, and we had a taste of this one and it was delicious. Joan went for a short nap and Ruth went to a computer demonstration, then asked Hana the Techspert to help me with my blog because blogger will no longer let me copy and paste my blog from word. Hana helped me load another word processor which is compatible with blogger. I am still having difficulty getting the pictures on so I will see her again tomorrow!!!! I then sat in on another computer session on photo editing. By now it was half way through happy hour so I made a beeline for our Ocean bar and sure enough Joan was waiting for me. We had green apple martinis today. At dinner we sat with a couple from Vancouver and one from North Van. The show tonight was the 4 men of the ship’s cast singing songs of the 50’s and 60’s. They were fantastic. We are now in the Ocean Bar again enjoying the music of The Neptune’s – a trio playing some oldies. We will soon be off to bed. The sea is fairly calm now. The reason for the rough seas was the fierce storm that hit northern Vancouver Island last week!!

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