Tuesday, September 28, 2010


P1000265 Sept 27the Victoria, BC

I woke up at some point during the night and looked out the window to see the lights of the Peninsula west of Victoria, and we were not going anywhere. In the morning we woke up to the knock on the door for our room service coffee – 6am. At 7am we’d had our breakfast and Ruth was off the ship to talk to our travel guide, Daniel. Just wanted to know how long it would take us to walk into town and what the weather was to be. We left the ship about 8:45 and walked into town, about ½ hour. Of course nothing was open, so we walked around for awhile until the Bay was open in the mall, went to a few other shops and were back on the ship by noon. It was quite cloudy, but not too cold. We felt a few raindrops now and then but it didn’t rain. We had lunch on the Lido by the pool and just watched the activity. Around 1pm the band played as we sailed away. We attended a digital photography demonstration, then a competition between the cruise director, the DJ, and a member of the audience, who were all putting a black forest cake together. Of course the 2 staff were making a mess of the whole thing, and it was quite entertaining. After that we went to our room to change for dinner and then on to happy hour – yum. It was really crowded, so a good thing we got there early!!! On to the dining room, where we sat with a couple from White Rock, and a man from White Rock and his sister from Wiinnipeg!! It was starting to get quite rough and by the appetizer 2 ladies had left ( one was Joan). Half way through the main course the lady from Wpg left. The 2 men and I finished our meal. Ruth was able to get to the early show. It was a comedian by the name of Max Dolcelli. He started off a little dry but got much better about ½ way through. Between the 2 shows the house band and singer entertain and that’s what I am listening to now. They play a lot of old pop tunes – and are very good. Back to the room and Joan is feeling much better but best if lying down. Off to bed

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