Sunday, October 10, 2010

At sea again

Oct 9, 2010  It’s hot again, with a few clouds and showers at times.

Lots of activities again today. After breakfast Joan went to the sun. Ruth attended a cooking class about crepes(pic 1). After that were talks about the Panama Canal, and some of the cruises coming up in the next few years. The ship’s officers made themselves available to mingle about the room and answer questions(pic 2).Joan caught up with me and we went to a singles and solos get together. Talked to a few of the ladies briefly then off to lunch. After lunch it was another talk on emeralds and other stones. The tour guide told us all about the next 2 stops we will be making. Joan went back out into the sun. Ruth went to a computer class, but I had already done that one, so I checked emails etc. It is formal night so we dress for dinner and have our wine while catching up on CNN. At dinner we sat with a couple from Lynden WA and a couple from Richmond who we had dined with before – a good meal and conversation. The show tonight is the cast of the ship’s show, and they are excellent as usual (pic 3). Nothing else we are interested in so Joan is watching a movie while I do this. There is a camera watching the ships go through the locks that anyone can access at . We are scheduled to start through about 5am tomorrow, which is 7am in Vanc.

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