Thursday, October 14, 2010

Our last day

Oct 14, 2010  81 degrees and still humid

We have alot of finishing up things today. Joan made her last purchases. I have done enough. Joan went to learn how to fold napkins and I listened to a talk on Ft Lauderdale. Then we heard the disembarkation talk so we know how to get off the ship. We are meeting another couple who are on the same plane and will share a taxi with them. After the talk we learned another recipe from one of the chef’s (pic 2). After lunch we learned how to make cake decorations out of marzipan (pic 3) – very interesting. We sat in on a chit chat with the cast of the showroom. I picked up the computer lesson papers that we have missed. We went to the last bingo and I won a game, so we shared $168. That might pay our bar bill!!! From there we changed and went to the Chef’s dinner, where they end with the baked alaska  (pic 1)parade. We sat with a couple from New Mexico and a man from Vancouver, WA and a lady from Oregon. The show tonight was Paul Pappas, the pianist and John Lenahan the magician/comedian. We enjoyed them very much again. Now we have spent an hour and a half trying to get our luggage to weigh the right amount!!! We’ll be home tomorrow.P1010528 P1010480 P1010486

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