Friday, October 1, 2010

San Diego

Sept. 30, 2010

We are now in the US and must check through customs and immigration, which means until all passengers saw the man. Trouble is there are some people who think it doesn’t apply to them!!! As a result we didn’t get cleared until 9:15 instead of about 7:30. We were afraid we wouldn’t have time to go to the zoo. We waited by the gangway and were in the first 20 to get off. We stopped at the information kiosk and got the bus number, found it and were at the zoo in 20 minutes. We hopped on the bus that tours the park, and had a great driver and tour guide. We then trekked up the hill to the top as the air tram wasn’t working, and slowly walked back down. It was great except for the thunder and lightning storm – not much rain though. Good thing. Joan wasn’t too happy about the lightning when we were on top of the bus. We were there about 3.5 hours, walking!!!! On the way back we went into the mall but didn’t stay long. It was very muggy out and we were zapped by the time we got back. It was a cheap tour as we got senior rates so paid $35 for the zoo and bus. From the ship it would have been $69. We had a glass of wine, vegged, showered and were down in the Ocean bar as we pulled away from the pier. It was a beautiful sale-away seeing part of San Diego as we sailed out to sea, beer in hand. Dinner was with a couple from Vancouver and one from Sacramento. After dinner we listened to the ships band, then a free bingo which was won by a friend of Joan’s who she met on board. After the bingo was a repeat of the first night. We stopped for the draw on liquor but didn’t win. We go to bed as we are very tired and we lose one hour for a time change.


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