Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Puerto Vallarta

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Sun Oct 3, 2010 sunny and 93

Our coffee came early this morning – he said they had too many calls for 7am, so I guess we told too many people about this. Breakfast on the back deck – a nice breeze so it wasn’t too hot (the sun wasn’t even up). We were off the ship shortly after 8 and hooked up with 3 other people for a taxi, so it was only $3 for the ride. We were let off at one end of the malecon (pic #3) and walked past the other end before most of the shops opened. It was mostly tourist stuff so we didn’t buy anything. We were heading back when we met up with Molly and hubby (can’t remember name) from Portland who we had dinner with a few evenings ago. They were looking for a restaurant for lunch so we hooked up with them. The place they were going was closed Sunday, so we asked a local and he pointed us toward a place 5 blocks away. In one block we found one right on the beach so in we went (pic #2). We wanted authentic mexican food. I had a huge margarita –bigger than a beer glass and Joan had beer. We both had burritos and all was very good. We found a taxi right outside the cafe and off we went back to the ship. I decided I needed to go to Walmart across the street from ship to get more wine – good prices. Thought we might find another light t-shirt, but no selection at all. Back to the ship – it is about 100 degrees with 100% humidity – we are zapped!! I flopped on the bed and Joan put her swim suit on. Once my heart rated came down to normal I put my swim suit on and we headed for the outdoor salt water pool which we were told is colder than the lido pool. It was cold and refreshing – yes I did go in!!!! After about 10 minutes I felt better and went back for a cool shower. I was in the Ocean bar having lemon drop martinis when Joan whizzed in with 1 minute to spare for happy hour – Wellah met her as she arrived and asked what she wanted. After the bar I went on a reconnaissance tour to find out the coolest place to eat dinner, and it was the dining room, so we changed and had dinner with a couple from San Diego and 2 men from Whidby Island . After dinner we were off to the show which was amazing – Johnny O (Pic #1) an instrumentalist who played and instrument called E-Wii. It could be played as many different instruments. He was bagpipes, all different horns, and the most amazing was as a violin piece where he had to sustain his breath for long periods of time which he did by “circular breathing” – absolutely beautiful!!! After the show we stopped by the casino for some merchandise draws but we didn’t win. To the room and to bed early. The room is comfortable – hope tomorrow is not quite so warm. I am unable to download emails as there are too many. You can contact me at ruth.e.steer@gmail.com . Cal, are you going to APAC?

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