Friday, October 8, 2010

Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala

Oct 7, 2010   90 some degrees again

Today we took a tour to Antigua, about 1.5 hours away. Our bus didn’t leave until 9am so after breakfast we went to the kiosks by the ship to see what they had – an incredible amount of wares these people brought from their homes 2 hours away, just for this one day. Our tour guide spoke very good english, and was very knowledgeable about her country. Today was the first day with not rain since April, and there were many places along the way where you could see areas had been washed away. It was a beautiful day for us as the local active volcanoes (pic2) were spewing ash and steam all day long. We passed by sugar cane, coffee and banana fields along the way. People were walking everywhere carrying loads, like bundles of sticks, bananas etc. Once we arrived in Antigua, they dropped us at a Jade factory but we decided to avoid the large crowd from the buses there and we headed toward the town square. We hooked up with Buttons (her actual name), from Florida and looked in all the little shops along the way. Almost every door had a shop at the front with all sorts of textiles, jewellery, artwork etc. Some of the doors opened into large courtyards, or more rooms. We were constantly approached by the street sellers (pic 4). We made our way past the central square and up toward the arch across the road and church beyond (pic 3). We turned around and came down the other side of the street heading back. We stopped to have lunch in a little place recommended by Karla, our tour guide. The beer and food was very good. Buttons ordered coffee and then asked to buy the cup, which was only $4. We only had 15 minutes to get back to the bus and we still had shops to look in!!! We hurried and they were gathering us all together so we did not see the jade – probably a good thing.  The temperature here at 1500 meters was a little cooler, about 80 and felt really good. Our bus driver had an amazing obstacle course to manouver through – narrow streets, one way the wrong way to avoid and extra 25 minute drive and lots of crazy drivers. We arrived back at the ship with an hour to spare and it was very hot here. We looked through the shops again and came back for happy hour. It is formal night but we are zapped from the heat and walking, so decide to eat on the lido back deck, and it was beautiful with a nice breeze and the setting sun (pic 1). The show tonight was a repeat, but one we wanted to see again with the 4 men from the ships cast. It was just as good the second time. P1000811 P1000726 P1000782 P1000784

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