Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tropical sailing

Oct 4, 2010  sunny, hot & humid

We started off with our usual morning routine, then went to a talk by our captain, Tim Roberts. Very interesting details about his career and sailing. Next there was a talk about the next few ports – a few things we needed to know. I went to get the recipe for creme brulee (pic #2), then a talk on emeralds and a chance to win $500. towards emeralds – we didn’t. We stopped for a quick lunch then Joan was off to the pool and sunshine. Ruth attended the cooking class for crepe suzettes – a few chef secrets there. I listened to a talk on the newest ship in the fleet and how she was built. Very interesting. A class on making Margareta’s followed, and a few more secrets. I learned how to shake it and get the glass out!!!! I met Joan for bingo, but we didn’t win again. We headed to the bar and on the way Joan asked what time it was. I said one minute to 5 so we ran up the stairs and Wellah was by the till and said hurry up, give me your key, and she rang our drinks in. She knew what we wanted. This is really bad. After leisurely drinks we changed for dinner – another formal nite. We sat with a couple from Ottawa, a man from Alabama and a lady from New Jersey. Interesting conversation, but really slow service. The show tonight was the ship’s cast (pic #1) performing tunes from the 50’s and 60’s and they were fantastic as usual. 11pm and bedtime

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