Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Oct 5, 2010  90 something and very humid

We didn’t have to get up real early today, so we had coffee, breakfast, and did our laundry with lots of time to spare before we docked at 10am. The pier is long but ends at the beach (pic 2) so that was our ultimate destination. First, though we got a taxi to take us to La Crucecita a few miles away. It is a quaint little old mexican town. He dropped us at the town square, in front of the church. We went into the church and were awed at the beautiful painting on the ceiling (pic 3) and elsewhere. We walked up and down the streets and into the shops – mostly clothing and silver jewellery.



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We left about 1pm and got a taxi back to the pier. We shopped around Hautulco a little then stopped at one of the bars lining the beach for a beer (pic 1). It tasted so good and cooled us off. We went back to the ship, put our bathing suits on and headed back to the beach, into the water for a short swim – Joan swam, I just walked in the water. We had another beer and went back to the ship and into the salt water pool – so refreshing. After we dress we are off to dinner. Our table mates are a couple from California and their friend, as well as a man from Germany. Very fascinating group of people. The show tonight was a comedian/magician by the name of John Lenahan. He was a fair comedian, did a little juggling and pretty good at ESP!!! The ship started rocking while we were at dinner so Joan went to the room after the show but I stayed to listen to the house band play between shows. Joan is sawing logs and I will be rocked to sleep fairly soon. We have had internet trouble all day so posting will be iffy.

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