Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sailing past Cabo

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Oct 2, 2010  Hot and muggy

An eventful day started out about 7am with coffee. Small breakfast followed by a lesson in cold soup –yummm!! The sun was out so Joan was off to the pool to claim a chair for the day. Ruth attended a talk on Puerto Vallarta, a walk through the pool area but could not stand the heat. Back indoors to learn a couple of new appetizers. Our room is still very warm so we talked to the front desk, and by the time we came back up to the room there was someone here checking. They turned up the air conditioning, so we will see if there is any difference. Next was the computer class on making a video out of my pics. Sure hope I can do all this when I get home. I went for a quick lunch then a lesson on making biscotti (pictured). I talked to the cruise booking gal, about future cruises. There is going to be a big sale starting Oct 9, so we’ll see what they have on sale. I discussed what to do in PV with the travel guide, then off to a demonstration on cocktail garnishing (pictured), where Joan caught up to me. She had baked long enough.We went to bingo and lost the big game ($300) by one number – bummer. We made it to happy hour just before last call. Not sure what this means but they greet us by name!!  Talked to the nice British couple for awhile. We went back to the room to change for dinner and had a glass of wine. The air conditioning guy came back and set out room to the coolest he could. It was already better. We went to dinner a little later and sat with a couple from California and another from Florida. The couple from Florida – Buttons and Terry were hilarious. Buttons is a prankster and they were telling stories of some of the pranks she pulled on Terry – no boredom in that marriage!!! After dinner we went up to the Crows Nest to hear Buttons sing at Karaoke, as we told her if she did she could get 5 free bingo cards. She was very good, as were many others, but not either of us. Next was the show – a magician/juggler named Sideshow Bert – he was very entertaining. He was followed immediately by the Filipino Crew show and it was very good as well (pictured). One of our waitresses in the Ocean Bar was in it. It is after midnight and the ship is rocking a little. Joan is already sawing logs with her anti-motion wrist bands on. Nite, nite.

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